EMF, EMR & EHS Articles

5 Signs Your Home or Workplace is Exposed to High EMF Levels

5 Signs Your Home or Workplace is Exposed to High EMF Levels

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are all around us, generated by everyday electronic devices and appliances, cell towers, power lines, and more. While exposure to low levels of EMF is generally considered safe, higher levels of EMF can pose health risks, including cancer,...

PG&E Smart Meter Opt-Out

PG&E Smart Meter Opt-Out

This is a concise and no nonsense critique of smart meters, EMF exposure and staying safe. Our exposure to RF radiation is increasing up at an exponential rate. That is, we are exposed to 100,000s times the amount of RF radiation we were only 10 years ago. So, when the utility companies came up with a clever new plan to bring their old analog meters into the high tech world, some were worried. And, rightly so.

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