About EMFs 

Below are 4 types of EMF radiation we test. Each has unique characteristics and requires a specific process and testing equipment. Each has it own strategies for mitigation.


EMF Radiation Waves
Radio Frequency Radiation

RF (Radio Frequency)

The best known EMF radiation. Used to transfer data from one device to another. Measured  in microWatts per meter squared.

Sources Include: Cell towers & arrays, smart meters, WiFi, cellphones, cordless phones, bluetooth, smart devices, etc.

Heath Risks: In 2011 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified RF radiation as a Group 2B Carcinogen (possibly cancerous to humans).

Possible Mitigation: Internal sources can be relocated, shielded or replaced. External sources can be shielded against, including 5G. 

AC Electromagnetic Fields and EMR

AC Electric Fields

Electric fields are “airborne” electricity and an undesirable by-product of electricity. A device need not to be turned on to emit an electric field. Measured in Volts per Meter.

Sources Include: Electrical wiring and devices, including lamps, lighting fixtures & switches. Also, can be found in walls, ceilings and floors.

Health Risks: It was found that relatively weak electrical fields are a contributing factor to headaches, fatigue, depression and even sudden infant death (Dr. Roger Coghill, 1996) .

Mitigation: Moving devices, shielded wiring, remote switching off of unused devices. With electric fields, increasing distance (3 feet away) is often the best approach. 

AC Magnetic Field

AC Magnetic Fields

Another by-product of electricity. This only occurs when the device or circuit is turned on though. Magnetic fields tend to increase with electricity flow. Measured in milliGauss.

Sources include: Improper wiring (unbalanced legs, neutral and ground sharing), electrical panels and meters, electric motors, AC/DC adapters, stray voltage on plumbing pipes.

Health Risks: Extremely low frequency magnetic fields were classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans by IARC in 2002.

Mitigation: Clean up improper wiring. Distance from the source helps with magnetic fields.

EMF, EMR, MEP, Dirty Electricity

Dirty Electricity

US Electricity has a frequency of 60Hz (60 cycles per second). Dirty electricity creates transient ambient frequencies, above 2KHz (2000 cycles per second). Measured with special meter.

Sources include: CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lights), Dimmer switches, energy saving appliances/devices, variable speed motors.

Health Risks: World Health Organization: “exposure to electric and magnetic fields in the frequency up to 100 KHz can effect the nervous system, resulting in acute heath effects.”

Mitigation: DC filters plugged into dirty circuits. Removal of offending devices. 

Some of our Gear

NFA1000 - Low Frequency EMF Meter

NFA1000 Gigahertz Solutions

Low Frequency EMF Meter. This meter measures in a range from 5Hz to 1000kHz. The NFA1000 measures both electrical and magnetic fields. It also works is the onsite field data logger. Other Gigahertz Solutions meters download directly into the NFA1000 their measurements. This is particularly useful to pick up non-regular or times pulses or peaks such as are emitted by smart meters. It also has a multi-point recording function, which enables a clean a systematic way to measure electrical fields in 9 positions over the bed for Sleep Sanctuaries.   

HF59E Kit

HFE59B - Gigahertz Solutions - RF Kit

The HFE59B Kit consists of the HF59B RF Meter and accessories to enhance or limit the signal received. The HF59B measures in a range from 27MHz to 3.3 GHz. The kit includes the UBB27_G3 antenna, which is omni-directional and an attenuator, pre-amplifier, high pas filter and Log-per antenna for more directed measurements.

Stetz Meter for Dirty Electricity

Stetzer DC Meter

Dirty Electricity Meter, measures the dirty eletricity on a given circuit. 

TriField Meter by Alphalabs

TriField Meter - AlphaLab

Trifield is an old standby meter. It is a three- way, triple axis meter, reading Electric, Magnetic and RF fields. It captures and displays Peak levels for pulsed transmission, as is common for wireless devices. It is useful, but an inspector must understand how to use and read the meter to get the most out of it. 

EMF390 - GQ

EMF390 - GQ

Another 3-Way meter, reads electric, magnetic and radio frequencies. What makes it unique, is that is does all 3 at once. It is our go to meter to get a quick overview of any environment. It reads frequencies up to 10GHz. It identifies 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, microwave, bluetooth, WiFi (2 .4 & 5 GHz), Smart Meters, smart phones & smart devices.    

Body Voltage Meter

Body Voltage Meter - EMF Safe Services

Body voltage meter. This meter enables us to measure the electrical field going through the client’s body at any point in their environment. This provides real world feedback of the amount of electrical field being absorbed by the body. Often used in creating the Sleep Sanctuary or mitigating electrical fields in the office.

Triplett Clampon-Ammeter

Clamp-On Ammeter - Triplett

This little meter is worth its weight in gold for discovering unbalanced AC hot/neutral legs.  Instantly, lets us know if a wire carries a net current. This is key to identifying causes of high magnetic fields. 

Safe and Sound Pro II

Safe and Sound Pro II - Safe Living Technologies

A new member to our happy family of meters. This RF only meter is a high quality consumer grade meter. It measures in a range from 400MHz to 7.2 GHz. It is good to get a cross section of readings, both for our and our client’s comfort and understanding of the RF radiation values.

Ready to Take Control of Your EMF Exposure? Or, Maybe You Just Have Questions.


Is it expensive to reduce one's EMF exposure?

Not necessarily. Some of the biggest benefits are realized from simple changes, recommended and made during an EMF assessment. Many of these will be cost-free. However, other times EMF mitigation will require a more strategic approach.

Is understanding EMF complex?

It is our job to make it easy for you to understand and act upon. We explain the most important elements using analogies and to impart the necessary knowledge. However, if you are a science geek and want to discuss it on a more technical level, we enjoy that too. 

What if our contractor/electrician doesn't know anything about EMF?

This is common. If you decide that EMF reduction includes work to be done on your house, we can consult with your electrician or builder. With over a decade working in the trades, we know the language and how to be understood.

How long will it take to realize EMF reduction?

Some EMF reduction is usually realized during the inspection. Other areas of EMF reduction may take longer. We will help you develop a strategy in those cases. We will also provide the resources you need to move forward.

Get an EMF Consultation Today

We will contact you to further discuss your EMF questions, concerns and our services.

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