This is a no nonsense overview of smart meters, EMF exposure and staying safe.

A Growing Concern

Our exposure to RF radiation is increasing up at an exponential rate. That is, we are exposed to 100,000s times the amount of RF radiation we were only 10 years ago. So, when the utility companies came up with a clever new plan to bring their old analog meters into the high tech world, some were worried. And, rightly so.

Not only do smart meters transmit non-stop, they also send out peak bursts intermittently. These burst can be quite high. The amount of radiation generated by your meter depends on its configuration. True smart meters live in a network of other smart meters, called a “mesh”. These meters continuously communicate with each other and send data to the substation on predetermined intervals.

Smart Appliances

Another source of RF radiation that many people don’t consider the smart appliances. These appliances are built to talk to the smart meter on your house, telling it about the appliances energy usage. This is all good news for the utility as it allows measure usage and plan for and leverage around slow and peak times. Supposedly, this saves you money in the end. But I ask you, have you seen your energy bills lessening as a result of smart meters?

Dealing with Smart Meters

If you are concerned with the amount of RF in your environment and taking steps to lessen it, here are a few things you might want to consider.

  • Smart Meter Opt-Out – As this requires a meter reader to come around and make a reading, you get charged for this service. Opt-out here:
  • If opting-out doesn’t work for you, for whatever reason, you may choose to shield against it. Smart meters general transmit around the 2.4 GHz range, which is readily shielded against. You’ve undoubtedly seen the shields built for the front of the meter. However, typically the meters face out, so it is more important to shield the wall behind the meter, as this is where the radiation is entering your dwelling, not from the front. There are several approaches shielding smart meters, and I would be pleased to speak with or otherwise help you to do so. Do not hesitate to reach out.
  • Make sure new devices and appliances you purchase are not “smart.” This may begin to take on a retro feel, as you look for older models of appliances. This will ultimately take a little research on each product you bring into your house.

Depending on where your meter is located, you will be exposed to different levels of RF radiation. If the smart meter is located outside your bedroom or any other high use area, it is strongly suggested that you do something about it as soon as possible. Sleeping or sitting for periods of time in these continuous RF fields is not good for your health. Get an EMF inspection and find out for certain what you and your family’s exposure is. Often, in the course of our EMF inspections, we find clients are exposed to EMF radiation stronger than that from the smart meter from sources they were not thinking about.

What To Do?

If you are more of a do it yourself type, get an RF meter and take your own measurements. Just be aware it will take some dedicated research to understand what the meter readings mean and which guidelines to use to insure your safety. I think it is worth it in the end. But be honest with yourself, if you are not the type buckle down to learn about microWatts, milliWatts, nanoTesla, milliGauss, and Volts per meter and how these plug into the various guidelines and which guidelines to use, then it may be better to let an EMF specialist perform the inspection for you. They will lay it out in a way that is easy to understand and act on.

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