EMF Products We Recommend

We have found these products to be a good value for price and effective in identifying or mitigating EMF radiation. 

Shielding for EMF/EMR


Shielding comes in many shapes and sizes. You may want to shield from signals generated outside the house. Or, perhaps you want to shield EMF created in the house. Either way, You will find many solutions here.

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EMF/EMR Gear for Computers


An abundance of EMF pollution comes from the computers we use daily. Good News! You do not have to give them up. There are many ways to reduce the amount of EMF to which they expose us.

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EMF/EMR and Mobile Devices


A lot of EMF pollution also comes from the mobile devices we use daily. You do not have to give them up. There are many ways to reduce the amount of EMF to which they expose us.

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EMF/EMR and Mobile Devices

Dirty Electricity

Dirty Electricity also known as Micro-Surge Pollution (MEP) are transient harmonics off of electrical wiring. They are quite harmful, but can be tamed.

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EMF Electrical Switches


Electrical switches and other handy devices to help tame your electrical & magnetic fields.

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EMF/EMR Books we like

Books & Movies

Here are some books and movies that are worth your time. I suggest these, if you are interested in learning more about EMF, the effects of, and what you can do to protect yourself and your family.

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EMF/EMR Books we like


When you are out and about, sometimes the only way to get protection from EMFs is with clothing made specifically to do so.

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EMF & EMR Meters


Nothing takes the place of a professional EMF inspection. However, having your own meter is useful to keep an eye on your environment and any new equipment, in and outside your home or office.

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EMF Safe Services

Type of Inspections

Whole Home EMR Inspection

Pre-Purchase Home Inspection

Office & Commercial EMR Inspection

Phone & Skype EMF Consultations

Type of EMF/EMR

Radio Frequency Fields

AC Electrical Fields

AC Magnetic Fields

Dirty Electricity

NFA1000 - Low Frequency Meter
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