Books & Movies

EMF Related Books & Movies Worth Your TIme

Top Shelf

Radiation Nation

Radiation Nation

Radiation Nation: Fallout of Modern Technology – Your Complete Guide to EMF Protection & Safety: The Proven Health Risks of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) & What to Do Protect Yourself & Family

Our Review

Recommended reading. Provides a good cross section of the EMF threats and mitigation solutions to bring them down to safer levels.

Available for Kindle and as audio book.

Dirty Electricity

Dirty Electricity

Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization

Our Review

A unique book. Written exclusively about dirty electricity. This is a doctors firsthand account of his work with schools, his observations about the harm dirty electricity caused and his efforts to correct that. Very good and easy read.

Available form kindle and as audio book.

EMF*D - 5G Health Threats


5G, Wi-Fi & Cell Phones: Hidden Harms and How to Protect Yourself

Our Review

Perhaps should have been titled RF*D. Specifically addresses the RF spectrum of EMF, with focus on the upcoming 5G rollout health threats. Well written by New York Time Best Selling Author Dr. Joseph Mercola. Easy to read.

Available for Kindle and as audio book.

Good Reading

Electromagnetic Radiation Survival Guide

Electromagnetic Radiation Survival Guide

Step by Step Solutions -Protect Yourself & Family NOW!

Our Review

Good book on EMF/EMR solutions. Breaks types of radiation and solution into very accessible bit size blocks. Thorough in explaining how to mitigate each threat.

Available for Kindle.

EMF Survival Guide

EMF: Survival Guide

Discover the Real Problems Caused by Modern Radiation (5g, Wifi, Cell Phones etc.), to Protect Yourself and People Around you Better

Our Review

This book is written for those who have already drunk the Koolaid. If you are just beginning your research on EMFs, I would not suggest this book as a starting place.

Available for Kindle.

EMF Detox Workbook

EMF Detox Workbook

EMF Detox Workbook: Checklists To Recover From Electromagnetic Exposure (Detox Deep Dive)

Our Review

For those that know they are EHS (Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitive). After you have create a clean environment, this would be next. Recovering from the effects of too much EMF. 

Resonance: Beings of Frequency

Resonance: Beings of Frequency

Resonance: Beings of Frequency

Our Review

This is a very good movie dedicated to EMF, EHS (Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity) and our natural connections to frequencies. Not all EMF related movies are worth seeing, however this one I recommend.

Available as DVD, and also to stream for free from Amazon Prime. Available on the Gaia Network.

Generation Zapped

Generation Zapped: International Edition

Movie: Generation Zapped: International Edition

Our Review

Another movie about EMFs and there ubiquitous presence around us, and the ramifications of that. Worth seeing.

Available as DVD, and to rent on Amazon Prime. Also, available on the Gaia Network.

EMF Safe Services

Type of Inspections

Whole Home EMR Inspection

Pre-Purchase Home Inspection

Office & Commercial EMR Inspection

Phone & Skype EMF Consultations

EMF Inspections

Radio Frequency Fields

AC Electrical Fields

AC Magnetic Fields

Dirty Electricity

EMF High Frequency Meter
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