Why a Sleep Sanctuary?

Sleep is when your body repairs. Your mind uses deep sleep to organize thoughts and work through conflicts. Getting good sleep is critically important to both your physical and mental well being. A sleep sanctuary is a serene and calm environment which enables you to get the sound and deep sleep you need.

Sleep Sanctuary

EMFs in the Sleep Sanctuary

The body functions by electrical impulses. Having high energy frequencies enter and stimulate the body during sleep can inhibit deep sleep.

Exposure to EMF radiation has been associated with sleep disorders and insomnia.

EMF in Sleep Sanctuary
Body Voltage Meter

Simple, Cost Effective Changes Can Have a Huge Impact

Many of the changes to reduce EMF exposure in your sleep sanctuary are immediate and relatively inexpensive. Once we identify the problem areas, fixing them is typically straight-forward. We will also provide resources to enable you to continue to improve on your Sleep Sanctuary. 

Using Best Practices and Proven Guidelines

We take measurements at 9 locations in your bed. This provides an accurate map of EMF exposure while you sleep. Additionally, we measure the actual voltage reaching your body.

We use “Building Biology” guidelines to compare existing with optimal EMF levels. We then recommend changes and remeasure, until more desirable levels are attained. We provide information you need to maintain and continue improvements.

Creating a Sleep Sanctuary is an ongoing process. After our inspection you will effectively have a Sleep Sanctuary. We will provide you resources to get you as far as you want to go.

Building Biology Guidelines Sleep Sanctuary
Building Biology Sleep Sanctuary Guidelines

Get an EMF Consultation Today

We will contact you to further discuss your EMF questions, concerns and our services.

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